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A comprehensive analysis of LSPRi-compatible nanotechnologies
Review article of Attila Bonyár is published in ACS Applied Nano Materials

The article of Attila Bonyár have been published in the journal of the American Chemical Society – Applied Nano Materials. The 16-paged paper entitled „Label-Free Nucleic Acid Biosensing Using Nanomaterial-Based Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging: A Review”, our colleague provides a critical review of the LSPRi-compatible sensor nanofabrication technologies and compare the most crucial characteristics of implemented LSPRi sensors, focusing on label-free nucleic acid detection. All previously reported LSPRi-compatible nucleic acid sensors are critically evaluated and compared based on their fabrication technologies (size and uniformity of the sensor area) and sensor performance (refractive index sensitivity, detection limit, and dynamic range). The most relevant factors to consider upon selection of a fabrication technology and the importance of proper DNA immobilization/hybridization conditions are also discussed in detail.

In the future, LSPRi-based nucleotid sensors would allow the simultaneous detection of DNA or RNA of numerous pathogenes (even several hundred types of viruses/bacteria) from complex samples (e.g. blood, saliva or urine).

We recommend reading the paper to researchers, students and professionals in the field of engineering, medical- and biomedical sciences, who are deaing with or getting acquainted with biosensorics.

The full article is vailable HERE


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